Ministry work can be hard;
let us help lighten the load

Church Partnership Services

Referral Partner

Whether you just need a solid referral point for your congregants or you are interested in supporting your congregation with discounted professional therapy, we can work to create the perfect partnership for your needs.

A good rule of thumb: if a congregant is seeking emotional support meetings on more than two occasions, refer them to a professional therapist.



We are all always learning and growing. Our workshops can be tailored for entire congregations, for church staff, or church leaders.
Workshops can be half day or all day, depending on need.

Preventative Sessions for Church Staff

Burnout is the number one reason people leave ministry work; and it is preventable!
Our monthly or quarterly preventative sessions are meant to be consistent confidential check-ins for staff, allowing them to have set-aside time to focus on themselves and their needs.
Our aim is to come alongside staff as an impartial listening ear and sounding board, allowing them to unload and leave feeling refreshed.


Professional Counseling

Professional counseling services are available to your staff if they would like to meet on a regular basis to work through specific struggles/trauma/concerns.
We are paneled with many various insurance providers and offer sliding scale to help ease the burden and make therapy services accessible to those in ministry.

Services can be mixed and matched to create a package that best fits your church’s needs.


Services are generally priced per person in an effort to price packages appropriately for any budget.

Contact us to learn more specifics!